Overview of cerebrospinal fluid cytology sciencedirect. Sep 23, 2016 cytology, however, can offer the least invasive methods to establish cellular diagnosis by examining cerebrospinal fluid csf. An introduction to cytopathology is in the cytopathology article. Cytologic evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid csf is an effective means for diagnosing many disorders involving the central nervo. Departmentof pathology, aberdeenroyal infirmary, foresterhill, aberdeenab92zd acceptedforpublication 20february 1996 various attempts have. The authors present a retrospective analysis of the results of the cytological examinations of cerebrospinal fluid csf samples and tumorcyst aspirates deriving from 262. Clinical application of cerebrospinal fluid cytology in china. The authors present a retrospective analysis of the results of the cytological examinations of cerebrospinal fluid csf samples and tumorcyst aspirates deriving from 262 patients treated for malignant intracranial primary and secondary tumors, and vertebral and peridural metastastic processes. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid for. Specific conditions for which cerebrospinal fluid cytomorphology shows clinical usefulness include central nervous system leukemia.
Leptomeningeal spreadoftumorcellsisarare,butinmanycases,itisafataleventwithanincidence ranging from 5% in solid tumors up to 20% and more in leukemia and lymphoma. The samples were obtained from 24 normal horses, 35 horses with axonal degeneration andor. Detection of malignant cells in cerebrospinal fluid in cytology is the diagnostic gold standard for leptome ningeal carcinomatosis lc. D soon after the introduction of lumbar puncture by quinc ke and wynter2 in 1891, early.
Inflammatory reactions of various types acute, chronic, and mixed were encountered in 120 patients 16%. Flow cytometric analysis and gene rearrangement testing also provide objective evidence. The cytological analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid offers important clues to the character of meningeal inflammation, the presence of a malignancy, or hemorrhage. Cerbrospinal fluid examination has been found to be. Total and differential cell counts provide important first information across a spectrum of pathologic conditions involving the central nervous system and its coverings.
Central nervous system lymphoma, cytology, cerebrospinal fluid, csf cytology. Performance characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid cytology. This report documented a large number of atypical lymphocytes in the csf of patients with central nervous system lymphoma. The description of cytological findings in cerebro spinal fluid csf is very inconsistent in the literatu re since no generally recognized uniform classifica. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology an overview sciencedirect. Although its cytomorphologic features in conventional smear cytology have been well described, those in liquidbased cytology have rarely been. The cerebrospinal fluid csf sample was macroscopically clear and colorless. Important variables such as blood contamination, age. Collect ml of csf and deposit the specimen into the cytology. Oct 17, 2017 cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology is a fundamental test for the diagnosis of central nervous system cns disease in neurological practice in china. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology in patients with ependymoma. Jan 10, 2014 cerebrospinal fluid csf collection and laboratory analysis is indicated in the investigation of disease processes involving the meninges, nerve roots or the central nervous system cns.
Integrated cytology of cerebrospinal fluid kindle edition. Csf cytopathology is a subset of cns cytopathology, which is a subset of cytopathology. Twentysix patients 4% had tumor cells of various types in their cerebrospinal fluids on initial. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens in cytology, cerebrospinal fluid is most commonly evaluated to detect and characterize malignancy that may have gained access to the central nervous system.
Proper eval uation of csf depends on knowing which tests to order, normal ranges for the patients age. Viral, bacterial, and malignant meningitis can be distinguished by means of cerebrospinal fluid cytology a c e. Cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology is a fundamental test for the diagnosis of central nervous system cns disease in neurological practice in china. Diagnostic cytology f cerebrospinal fluid by the cytocentrifuge. Cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology is a fundamental test for the diagnosis of central nervous system cns disease in neurological practice in. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid. The total cell count and differential count are an essential part of the analysis of a specimen of cerebrospinal fluid csf. However, the frequency of csf involvement in patients with ependymoma is unclear, and. Zacek department of clinical biochemistry, laboratory of reference for csf and neuroimmunology, homolka hospital, prague, czech republic summary the description of cytological findings in cerebrospinal fluid csf is very inconsistent in the literatu. Spreading of a portion of the cell pellet on a slide 3. Cerebrospinal fluid is the most challenging body fluid as it requires the ability to count and differentiate wbcs down to a normal range, which is much lower than the diagnostic cutoff values. Unit 4 cerebrospinal fluid csf session 14 cytological examination of csf and cytological changes in csf in disease b. The usefulness of cerebrospinal fluid cytology in the diagnosis of malignancy has been enhanced in recent years by the development of new techniques for increasing cellular yield.
Cytology, however, can offer the least invasive methods to establish cellular diagnosis by examining cerebrospinal fluid csf. Cytology showed numerous erythrocytes, small lymphocytes, and neutrophils consistent with blood contamination. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology fine needle aspiration cytology. Overview of cerebrospinal fluid cytology request pdf. The cytology of cerebrospinal fluid samples from horses is described. It is often misdiagnosed due to an unspecific presentation. Diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology. The appearance of neoplastic cells in cerebrospinal fluid was sometimes the first indication of malignancy. The subarachnoid space contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Request pdf overview of cerebrospinal fluid cytology cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology, i.
Integrated cytology of cerebrospinal fluid pdf ammedicine. Csf cytology provides diagnostic evidence in cases suspected of cns infectious diseases, autoimmune encephalitis and cns neoplastic disorders. Related material by the same author essentials of needle aspiration cytology, igakushoin, new york, usa, 1991. The cerebrospinal fluid csf is clear colorless transparentthe tissue fluid present in the cerebral ventricles spinal canal 3. To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of immunohistochemical analysis in relation to the standard cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid csf in patients with either a solid tumour or a haematological malignancy and possible leptomeningeal disease, 68 csfsamples derived from 68 patients were examined. Highquality slides depict the common cerebrospinal fluid cell types, cell anomalies in inflammatory conditions and neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders, and cases with contaminants. Cytology of cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of malignancy published on apr 1968 by journal of neurosurgery publishing group.
Biochemical and cytological examination of cerebrospinal fluid. Cytology of equine cerebrospinal fluid sage journals. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology is a critical diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of many conditions affecting the central nervous system. This article deals only with cerebrospinal fluid csf cytopathology. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology an overview sciencedirect topics. It has been suggested that patients with suspected neoplastic meningitis should undergo one or two. Leptomeningeal spreadoftumorcellsisarare,butinmanycases,itisafataleventwithanincidence ranging. Methodsclinical and pathological data relating to 54 patients with cytologically malignant cells in the csf.
Synovial fluid dog, cat synovial fluid large animal female reproductive tract. Liquidbased cytology of the cerebrospinal fluid in a case of. While csf specimens are relatively easy to obtain in most individuals, in some individuals collection may require radiographic guidance. Urine in nonneoplastic renal parenchymal diseases 114. In many institutions, csf specimens get triagedrapidly assessed as. Micropore filters and a specially adapted cytocentrifuge have been used for this purpose with a resulting increase in cell concentration and in diagnostic accuracy. However, the frequency of csf involvement in patients with ependymoma is unclear, and to the authors knowledge the cytomorphologic features of the tumor cells have not been described in detail to date. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology medical center public site. Cytopathology specimen collection arup laboratories. The latter may be obtained via lumbar puncture or directly aspirated from the cisterna magna at the base of the brain.
Beech university of pennsylvania, school of veterinary medicine, new bolton center, kennett square, pa abstract. Integrated cytology of cerebrospinal fluid is a practical guide to this method used in the diagnosis of different pathologies. Csf cytology is an important element in brain tumor staging. To assess the performance characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid cytology samples by evaluating participant interpretations within the college of american pathologists nongynecologic. Dec 24, 20 since the first evidence of malignancy in cerebrospinal fluid csf was reported in 1904, csf examination has been used to diagnose numerous neoplastic diseases of the central nervous system cns. Value of cerebrospinal fluid cytology for the diagnosis of. The main cytology laboratory is located on the 7th floor of good samaritan hospital. Diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology in. Primary central nervous system lymphoma pcnsl is the most prevalent brain, spinal cord, eyes, and leptomeningeal lymphoma. Cerebrospinal fluid csf collection and laboratory analysis is indicated in the investigation of disease processes involving the meninges, nerve roots or the central nervous system. Total and differential cell counts provide important. Integrated cytology of cerebrospinal fluid pdf free download ebook description cytologic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid is a technically simple, yet productive, diagnostic procedure.
Sc in mlsperadeniya lecturerprobationary department of medical lboratory sciences. Highquality slides depict the common cerebrospinal fluid cell types, cell. The latter may be obtained via lumbar puncture or directly. The differential cytology of cerebrospinal fluids prepared by. Important variables such as blood contamination, age of the patient, and general clinical condition must be considered. Cytomorphological features of blastic plasmacytoid. Breast smears and secretions bronchial alveolar lavage.
Departmentof pathology, aberdeenroyal infirmary, foresterhill, aberdeenab92zd acceptedforpublication 20february 1996 various attempts have beenmadeto establish guidelines for laboratory examination ofcerebrospinalfluid csf. Retrospective analysis of 5394 cases of csf was done over 5 years duration at cancer hospital. Pcnsl is described in neurological clinical cerebrospinal fluid cytology by su xiuchu and kong fanyuan. Zacek department of clinical biochemistry, laboratory of reference for csf and neuroimmunology, homolka hospital, prague, czech republic summary the description of cytological findings in cerebro. The cerebrospinal fluid csf is clear colorless transparentthe tissue fluid present in the cerebral. To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of immunohistochemical analysis in relation to the standard cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid csf in patients with either a solid tumour. This chapter discusses the csf collection sites and techniques, cell counts and csf cytology, and highlights the aspects of haemorrhage and non.
Ependymoma cells are known to occasionally exfoliate into cerebrospinal fluid csf. This chapter discusses the cytology and ancillary testings of cerebrospinal fluid in normal, benign, inflammatory, nonneoplastic and neoplastic conditions. Atypical cells have small strong basophilic and blue cytoplasm around the nucleus and no particles. Cytology of cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of. Specimen preparation and cytologic evaluation department. The specimen should be collected in a clean, leakproof ner labeled with the contai patients name and hospital number.
Sedimentation cytomorphology is a simple, inexpensive technique of collecting cells from cerebrospinal fluid and is of great clinical value. Unlike serous cavities, this space normally contains a volume of fluid that can be as much as 150 ml. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluids of 40 patients 5% revealed hemorrhage, confirming the presence of intracranial hemorrhage. Since the first evidence of malignancy in cerebrospinal fluid csf was reported in 1904, csf examination has been used to diagnose numerous neoplastic diseases of the central nervous. Cytologic evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid csf is an effective means for diagnosing many disorders involving the central nervo we use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Gastrointestinal tract brushings pap smears thinprep general information. Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common microorganism found in cerebrospinal fluid csf cytology and causes lifethreatening infections in immunocompromised hosts. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology is performed in patients with risk factors for leptomeningeal spread i. I also want to thank my dear family members, in particular my wife ho thi nga, for their continued moral support over the years. Liquidbased cytology of the cerebrospinal fluid in a case.
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